[Average age is 30 years old]
This is community that interact with each other. This is a good match for those who are looking forward to fun experiences such as events and house parties.
Currently, 12 males and 12 females living in this share house.
Currently, 4 American, 1 Korean, 3 Germany, 1 Indonesian, 1 British, 1 French, 1 Italian, 2 Dutch, and 10 Japanese living in this share house.
Living together with Japanese who share the same interest in language is a great way to share cultural experiences and language ability.
Held every month. You can enjoy food or drinks with your housemates, and even bring your own friends to meet the other members you live with.
Held jointly between share houses, we host events such as Cherry blossom, Halloween, Christmas and summer BBQ events.
We are looking for an English conversation chat host. (Part time job that speak English to Japanese people)
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